Queenstown, Maryland (Thursday, December 17th) – Thanks to modern technology, the Maryland House of Delegates Environment and Transportation Committee met with agricultural stakeholders and Maryland farmers for a virtual farm tour on Wednesday. Normally, our agricultural organizations host tours in the fall. Chairman Kumar Barve (District – 17) expressed that while virtual is not the same as being on the farms, the virtual tour was very informative, and hopes to get back out to rural Maryland soon. The tour hosted 25 live attendees and 45 live streamers, the committee saw 2020 corn harvest and cover crop planting in action, toured a poultry operation, and learned about organic grain farming and a direct-to-consumer produce market. The agriculture tour was developed by the Maryland Grain Producers in partnership with the Delmarva Chicken Association and Mid-Atlantic Farm Credit, which can be viewed online here.

Thank you to our producers for their time and dedication to showcase the work that goes into growing our food! John Bruning, a farmer from Worcester County works with his Uncle Bill to produce corn, barley, soybeans, and wheat. John showed the committee the difference no-till and cover crops can make to improve soil health. Located in Hurlock, Maryland, Jason Scott grows grain with his parents and sells Pioneer Seed. Jason took the committee on a combine ride and shares about nutrient management. Nearby, Mary Lou Brown and her daughter Ashely, raise broilers in six houses for a contract company. The tour ends in Ruthsburg at an organic grain farm, Mason’s Heritage which also has a produce stand for local consumers. Bill Mason alongside Kate and Stephan Kraszewski run the farm and produce operation.
After the virtual tour, legislatures and farmers had the opportunity to discuss important topics. The committee was interested in no-till farming, especially in an organic operation. Steve Kraszewski with Masons Heritage in Ruthsburg, MD did a great job explaining how tillage is used for weed control in their organic corn and how they’re growing no-till organic soybeans. John Bruning who farms near the Chincoteague Bay discussed how no-till allows him to conserve moisture and increase organic matter in his sandy soils.
Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo (District-15) wanted to learn more about pest management. Jason Scott of Walnut Hill Farm explained he uses integrated pest management including; scouting, genetically modified seed, as well as the timing of planting and pesticides when necessary to control pests in his crop fields.
When it comes to producing row crops across the state, yield monitors are a popular technology. Delegate Regina T. Boyce (District-43) reacted, “This is high tech! Impressive.” Delegate Sheila Ruth (District-44B) was interested in how this information is used by farmers. Jason Scott shared that his family has utilized monitoring and mapping technology since 2000. These maps allow him to implement variable rate seeding and nutrient application.
As we all know, 2020 was an interesting year. The pandemic has changed operations and markets across the world. Legislators heard from farmers how COVID-19 impacted their families. For grain farmers in Maryland, the commodity prices were very low at the beginning of the year as a result of COVID-19 and international trade. At the beginning of August, China purchased a large amount of U.S. crops due to the drought in South America. Between international purchases and the Derecho storm in the Midwest, prices increased during harvest 2020, which was much appreciated by farmers. Jenell Eck, employee with Maryland Grain Producers who also owns a direct-to-consumer beef operation, stated they have seen a large increase in sales due to grocery store shelves going empty creating an increase in local demand. Lastly, from the local chicken industry aspect, Mary Lou Brown from Dorchester County believes the poultry industry has figured out the kinks in the processing plants and distribution and that the processing employees now “feel safer going to work than almost anywhere else.”
Rural broadband continues to be a challenge and the committee wanted to know how they can better serve the rural and agricultural community. Mary Lou Brown utilizes the internet to view her six poultry house controllers to see how her house environment and chicken well-being is when off the farm and coverage can be unreliable. Lindsay Thompson added that Maryland is less competitive for federal grants for broadband infrastructure due to the percentage of internet coverage in Maryland as a whole compared to other, more rural states.
The virtual tour ended with a strong discussion on producing and selling more local foods to our communities. Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo asked about programs that support local production and sale of food. Holly Porter with Delmarva Chicken Association pointed out that Maryland is fortunate in that the chicken they buy at the grocery store is local. Mason Farms Produce spoke about how federal grants allowed them to install high tunnels to extend their growing season. For a direct to consumer beef operation, Jenell Eck pointed out the need for more processing capacity and inspection. Bill Mason finalizes the conversation by encouraging support of the Maryland Department of Agriculture, specifically the Maryland Best Program, as well as the local soil conservation districts to continue best management practices on all operations.
Thank you to all those who tuned in during the event as Maryland’s number one industry was discussed with our policymakers. You can view the live stream here.
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