Farmers raising food, fiber, and renewable energy.

Tag: Proposals

Building Resiliency in 2025, Check-Off Dollars at Work

Chester, Maryland (January 20, 2025) – On January 8th and 9th, the Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board (MGPUB) reviewed 43 grant proposals for the 2025 calendar year. Proposals covered a broad spectrum of education, market development, and research programs. For 2025, Maryland grain check-off funds will be distributed to 34 projects totaling $1,046,277.

“The board puts an extensive amount of time and effort into reviewing each grant” said MGPUB President, Steve Ernst. “There were many great proposals, and we are excited to see farmer check-off dollars hard at work.”

Of the 34 funded proposals, $249,518 dollars will be utilized in research. Corn and wheat variety trials, wheat cultivar development, and on-farm trials will continue across the state. Research will also cover biologicals, SCAB, wheat nitrogen use efficiency, and long-term evaluation of soils with high P. To read more on check-off funded research with Maryland Grain funds, click here.

Seeking to strengthen markets for our grain, $431,914 will be distributed to eight organizations working in domestic and international market development. These groups have been working hard to build new trade relationships and maintain current ones, while keeping climate-smart ethanol top of mind. Maryland truly appreciates all the work they do across the globe. The U.S. Grains Council said $274,600,000 is the total output from grain trade to Maryland’s economy. Lastly, the Grain Producers is honored to fund the Lower Shore Doe Harvest challenge and help control the white tail deer population to some degree. Read more on market development grants here.

Lastly, 17 education grants will be presented in 2025 totaling $364,845. These funds will be used to continue Maryland Farm and Harvest with a 13th season, LEAD Maryland with the class XIII Fellows, support the Maryland FFA Foundation, and support Junior Achievement of the Lower Shore to educate youth about careers in agriculture. Furthermore, outreach on slow moving vehicles and My Maryland Farmers will continue. A number of youth education programs will be funded to reach students statewide. To learn more about 2024 check-off education funded grants, click here.

Thank you to all the grain farmers who voluntarily remit their check-off dollars. The Utilization Board takes a lot of time to review each proposal and fund grants for the grain farmers best interest and for the future of agriculture across Maryland. We are looking forward to an exciting 2025!

2025 Maryland Check-Off Proposals Now Being Accepted

Chester, Maryland (October 1, 2024) – The Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board is accepting proposals for checkoff grants until November 15th. Check-off funded projects must fulfill the Utilization’s Board mission to increase the profitability of Maryland’s grain farmers and to improve the public understanding of agriculture through research, market development, and education.

The recipients will be funded by the Maryland Check-Off Program which was formed in 1991 to promote the greater utilization of grain through expanded promotion, research, education, information, and other similar activities. The Program is voted on by producers and landowners every five years and remits 0.5% of the net market value of corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, and rapeseed/canola grown in Maryland. You can find the 40 funded grants totaling $1,093,484 in 2024 online at

In January, the farmer member board will join together to review each proposal and make funding decisions. Recipients will be notified by the end of January 2025.

For the 2025 grant cycle, board members gathered to update their priorities. Much discussion around controlling slugs was had. There was also great interest in increasing the availability of processing and donation for venison. Lastly, the board also talked about products claiming to allow reduced nitrogen and phosphorus application with no yield loss.

You can find the detailed priorities and proposal guidelines online at Thank you to all the grain farmers who voluntarily remit their check-off dollars. If you have any questions, please contact Lindsay Thompson at 443-262-8491 or at

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