Queenstown, Maryland (January 11, 2023) – The Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board Funding Committee met earlier this month to hear a number of proposal presentations and voted to fund 46 grants. Check-off funded grants fulfill the Grain Producers’ mission to increase the profitability of Maryland grain production and to improve public understanding of agriculture through promotion, education, and research.

The Utilization Board is made up of grain farmers from across the state, representing our six regions. These farmers are dedicating their time and knowledge to the future of Maryland Grain Production by keeping their neighbors profitability in mind while considering each proposal. There was great discussion around triticale, plant timing of wheat, the image of Maryland farmers, road safety, and biologicals!

Newly elected President, Steve Ernst said, “this year the board was very dedicated to educating our youth, keeping our farmers safe, staying involved nationally, and investigating new crop management strategies. It was great to see the Queen Anne’s County FFA Chapter in person, standing strong in their blue jackets, showcasing a positive image for the future of agriculture.”

Funding is provided by Maryland grain farmers through the state check-off program voted on every five years. Grain elevators collect check-off on each bushel of corn, wheat, barley, oats, sorghum, canola, and rye produced and sold in Maryland.

Summaries on every grant will be spotlighted on our website and bi-weekly to our listserv. For 2022 summaries and findings, be sure to keep an eye out for our annual Grain Store! If you would be interested in receiving email updates, please contact our team.