As the fiscal year came to an end last week, so did Chip Bowling’s two-year term as President of the National Corn Grower’s Association. He will now be serving as Corn Board chairman, passing the role of President to Wesley Spurlock of Texas. When reflecting on his presidency, Bowling felt that some of his great accomplishments were getting a market-based farm bill passed, which included crop insurance, and keeping the renewable fuel standard moving forward with increased pump infrastructure. “I’ve enjoyed every minute as President of the National Corn Growers,” he said. “I’m sure being chairman is going to be even more interesting and hopefully more fun.”

Looking into the future, Bowling recognizes that there are many more challenges that lie ahead. Bowling emphasized that corn framers need to continue to protect renewable fuel standards and create demand for their product. When asked if he had any closing remarks that he would like to share with Maryland farmers, Bowling responded that “Farmers across the nation are interested in how we deal with the Chesapeake Bay mandate. I have given presentations across the country on how Maryland farmers deal with regulations. We are a model for all of ag when it comes to dealing with the mandate.” MGPA thanks Chip for his leadership and for being an exemplary representation of Maryland agriculture.

You can view Chip’s interview with Off the Cob Podcast here.