The Maryland Grain Producers Association (MGPA) utilized this year’s Eleven Best Days of Summer to promote ethanol at the Maryland State Fair. Public Relations Coordinator, Laurie Adelhardt, created and set up an “E15 Race to Cleaner Air” remote controlled car racetrack in the Farm and Garden Building, which was a huge success. The exhibit also featured finalist’s videos from our “Drive Flex Fuels Video Contest” as well as byproducts of corn and ethanol.

“Cars zoomed around corners, bounced off each other, spun around and headed the opposite direction, to the glee and laughter of the drivers and audience,” described Laurie. “The activity drew large crowds who heard and read about the benefits of ethanol as they awaited the next race.” She estimated that around 3,000 people drove cars and over 5,000 visited the exhibit.

The exhibit was even featured on Fox 45 Morning News during the fair. Jill Hamilton was present to share the benefits of ethanol and talk about new stations coming to Maryland this year that will be selling E15 and E85. Many thanks to Laurie and her daughter Kelly for all the their help with the exhibit!

Watch the news story here.