Queenstown, Maryland (March 18, 2020) – Maryland Farm and Harvest aired 13 episodes during their seventh season. The first episode premiered on November 12th on Maryland Public Television. As students across the state are home, take advantage of this opportunity to educate them on how farmers produce the food that we purchase at the grocery store, the fuel we fill our cars with, and the fiber we use every day.

The Linthicum Family
Photo Credit – Edwin Remsberg

This season covered a wide range of topics and featured a buy local recipe every Tuesday. The second episode touched on the importance of high speed internet across rural Maryland. The Linthicum family in Montgomery County was showcased in episode 703. They produce grain outside the suburbs and share how technology has changed their farm. Conservation practices including drainage, nutrient management, and irrigating from a wastewater treatment plant was covered in episode 704. Throughout the season Women in Maryland Agriculture, ancient grains, palmer amaranth, and corn mazes were all featured. All episodes can be found online and are aired Tuesdays at 7PM, Thursday’s at 11:30AM, and Sundays at 6AM.

The Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board is honored to provide major funding for Maryland Farm and Harvest. The Board Members understand the importance of providing strong educational and transparent information to Maryland residents.