Centreville, Maryland (July 29, 2022) – The twenty-forth annual Maryland Commodity Classic was held in person on Thursday, July 28th at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park. Over 280 farmers, sponsors, and allied agribusiness representatives enjoyed the event and the networking opportunities it provided. The Maryland Grain Producers Association (MGPA), Maryland Soybean Board (MSB), Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board (MGPUB), and the Mid-Atlantic Soybean Association (MASA) co-sponsor and host the annual event.

The day began at 9:00 AM with a research presentation by Dr. Vijay Tiwari’s research assistant, Adam Schoen on the wheat and barley research and variety trials at the University of Maryland funded by the Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board. Participants also enjoyed presentations by Andy Kness (University of Maryland) and Jarrod Miller (University of Delaware). To end the morning session, Ryan Krabill from Medius Ag educated farmers on how to access the variety trial research that is being funded through MGPUB. Throughout the park, event sponsors, MGPUB and MSB funded grantees, and farmers networked and enjoyed catching up. A local 4-H club served lunch while the Queen Anne’s County FFA Chapter sold snow cones!

At 1:30 PM the business meeting began with updates from MGPUB President John Bruning, MSB Chair Josh Appenzeller, and MGPA President Melvin Baile. Baile emphasized the importance of farmers having relationships with their legislators and being able to reach out to them when legislation impacting their farms is being considered. Anne Thompson with the National Corn Growers Association gave a policy update on E-15, 2023 farm bill reauthorization, and current bills regarding glyphosate. Steve Mercer of U.S. Wheat Associates provided a trade update. Mercer stated that last year the United States exports were up 1 billion tons, although over the past 5 years the world has produced less wheat. The meeting ended with Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Dr. Jewel H. Bronaugh, who discussed the efforts that are being made to expand broadband access in rural areas. She ended by thanking Maryland farmers for their hard work and dedication and stating “American farmers are the best in the world.” To finish the annual event, all enjoyed chicken and pork BBQ prepared by Sisters by Chance catering and a Crab Feast by Harris’ Seafood.
We would like to thank all of the sponsors for the support and attendees for making this a great event.

During the annual event, the Maryland Grain Producers Association awarded the Dr. James R. Miller award to a deserving individual. This year’s honoree is Mark Fuchs. Read more about our annual award and Mark here.

To support the next generation in agriculture, the Maryland Grain Producers awarded five scholarships in the amount of $3,000 each to association members. This year’s recipients were Alexis Langenfelder of Worton, Parker Miller of Kennedyville, Caroline Wilson of East New Market, Chad Patterson of Chestertown, and Makenzie Hereth of Woodbine. Read more about our annual scholarship program and our 2022 recipients here.
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