Queenstown, Maryland (March 22, 2023) – The Maryland Grain Producers encourages you to sign-up for one of the three new on-farm research trials for the 2023 growing season! Maryland grain check-off dollars are funding technical assistance through the University of Maryland and compensation to you, for this year’s on-farm research. Conducting this applied research on farms will lead to meaningful agronomic production data across the state at the field scale.
The three different trials are listed below. Full protocols can be found online at https://go.umd.edu/3n39mzm.
- Nitrogen Rate – the study is evaluating corn yield response to a range of nitrogen application rates.
- Biological Product Evaluation – the study is going to determine the impact of biological fertilizer enhancement products on corn yield.
- Potassium Rate – the study will evaluate corn yield response to potassium fertilizer to determine the agronomic critical level and adjust land-grant fertilizer recommendations.

The University of Maryland has been funded by check-off dollars to benefit the future of Maryland grain production, by doing on-farm research. Dr. Nicole Fiorellino and Gene Hahn, the On-Farms Trials Coordinator, will be working directly with you to provide hands-on assistance throughout the entirety of the trial. Compensation is available to participating growers who complete the protocols on their farms.
Findings will be aggregated with no identifying information or location and shared for other farmers to see and learn from. Contact Dr. Nicole Fiorellino directly at 443-446-4275 or at nfiorell@umd.edu to enroll today!
To learn more about what check-off dollars are funding, visit our website at marylandgrain.org/checkoff-grant/.

Gene Hahn is a Maryland native with over a decade of experiments performing applied agronomic research. He recently coordinated on-farm agronomic research at the University of Kentucky, including study design and layout, creating prescription maps and managing data in RTK-GIS systems, in-season treatment applications, and equipment troubleshooting. Gene’s research background and familiarity with Maryland ensures he will be able to hit the ground running for the 2023 field season.
Maryland Grain Producers Utilization BoardĀ was established in 1991 to administer the Maryland Grain Checkoff Program. Grain producers in Maryland voted to institute this voluntary checkoff program, which is funded by participating growers donating 0.5% of each Maryland bushel sold. With this funding, the board can fulfill its mission to increase the profitability of Maryland grain production and to improve public understanding of agriculture through promotion, education, and research. Learn more about the organizationĀ here.
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