Queenstown, Maryland (April 12, 2023) – Safety for you, your family, and your farm is one of our top priorities. The Maryland Grain Producers and other agriculture organizations across the state are funding a number of grain bin safety tubes and trainings on how to use these tubes. Currently, the state of Maryland has 38 tubes across the state. You can view the location of grain bin safety tubes if needed here. If you would like to nominate your local fire department, do so by April 30th here.

If you have grain bins, be sure to establish safe grain bin entry procedures and practice with your team. Since 1977 there have been 504 documented entrapments. Nearly 1 in 8 entrapments involve youth under the age of 20 years.
“Our board knows that farms across the state are continuously adding grain bin storage and we want to make sure they are practicing safety and our fire departments are equipped for emergencies,” said Utilization Board President Steve Ernst. “With check-off dollars, we are honored to fund four tubes and trainings for the safety of our farmers, their families, and their co-workers.”
If you are aware of any other grain bin safety tubes, please contact our team at jenell.mdag@gmail.com. We will keep an updated list on our website. You are welcome to print the list and keep it with you. It has come to our attention that not all dispatchers are aware of the closest safety tube, and we are working on providing that awareness.
Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board was established in 1991 to administer the Maryland Grain Checkoff Program. Grain producers in Maryland voted to institute this voluntary checkoff program, which is funded by participating growers donating 0.5% of each Maryland bushel sold. With this funding, the board can fulfill its mission to increase the profitability of Maryland grain production and to improve public understanding of agriculture through promotion, education, and research. Learn more about the organization here.
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